
Son Seok-woo was a celebrated Korean pop song composer who passed away in 2019 at the age of 99. Although there are ongoing events commemorating his contribution to the history of Korean pop music, there is a lack of literature and research focused on music analysis. A recent analysis of the songs included in “100 Compositions by Son Seok-woo” confirmed their connection with the characteristics of the works by Son Seok-woo Ji-shin. Son Seok-woo’s music world is characterized by its liveliness and constant pursuit of novelty and evolution. Furthermore, the combination of writing and sound was thoroughly planned and calculated, resulting from multiple iterations and reworks rather than accidental matching. Lastly, Son Soek-woo utilized the poetry of a famous poet in his lyrics incorporating existing art into his synergistic medium. This showcases his desire to incorporate existing cultural elements into his musical works and create a harmonious relationship between different art forms.

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