
Zhoomart Bokonbaev takes very important place in transformation of national folklore stories and the passing fairy stories. He left us artistic legacy in this direction in the form of works such as "Autumn butterfly", "A fox and a partridge", "A lark and a hobby", "A lion and a fox", "A snake and a frog", "A cat and oil", "Strength of the brave is stronger than fortress" and others. The literary fairy tale "Strength of the brave is stronger than fortress" is dedicated to the bloody period of the Great Patriotic War. Through this literary fairy tale the author wanted to inspire, give forces not only to the soldiers leaving on the front, but also remaining in the back. He wanted to tell that the victory can be reached only in case of harmonious actions and unity of two parties. In the work there are lines "When There Is Such Mother, Such Son" which very well describe the above. Reflection of combinations of military subject with folklore traditions is analyzed in this article. The plot of the literary fairy tale "Autumn Butterfly" has something in common with plots of Aesop, La Fontaine and Krylov’s fable "Dragonfly and an ant". "The fox and a partridge", "A lark and a hobby" are based on plots known to the Kyrgyz people. Author’s transformation of these works to a poetic form with saving contents of folklore fairy tales are analyzed in this article. The fairy story of the work "Lion and Fox" is compared to classical artistic legacy of the Indian people “Panchatantra”.

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