
The purpose of the study is to reveal the dentists’ perceptions of a particular specialization as "men’s," "women’s", or "universal" job. Among objectives of the study is to examine those factors (including gender perceptions of a physician) which influenced the choice of a profession/specialization. The authors tried to identify those professional and personal qualities which, according to the physicians, are necessary for a dentist and are more typical for male or female doctors. We also tried to understand whether physicians prefer to work with an administrator to be a woman or a man. We examined the significance of a dentist’s sex to be preferable for the patients, as well as for dentists themselves while choosing a doctor.   The methodological basis of the research includes theoretical background developed in terms of gender studies in sociology of healthcare and medicine, as well as comparative statistical data analysis. The study was conducted through a sociological survey with practicing dentists in Moscow, Russia, using the Survey Monkey platform. Research results. Among the dental specializations (therapy, surgery, orthopedics, orthodontics, dental laboratory technology), the respondents perceive the profession of a dental surgeon and a dental laboratory technician as mainly “men’s jobs”, while orthodontics is rather a “female/universal” job. Physicians of both sexes emphasize professional knowledge, attention to the details, and patience as the most important qualities for a dentist. Female dentists underline the importance of empathy, while physical strength is not considered a critical quality to be effective by dentists of both sexes. More than half of the dentists surveyed do not have any gender preferences regarding the sex of their administrator; those who have gender preferences would better work under the leadership of a man.   Prospects for the study. The findings help in better understanding of human/gender side of dentistry, and in formulating and applying social as well communicative policies in healthcare.

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