
Crime is not just punishable through punishment. Crime policy has already changed from a punitive nature in the past to a preventive nature today, and accordingly, policies to prevent crime should now be actively devised as a way to increase effectiveness from a long-term perspective. In recent years, both the national economy and the living economy have been chaotic, but looking back on the past history, there has been no time when it was not economically chaotic. Moreover, despite the unimaginably active increase in welfare policies in the past, it is not difficult to find the class still suffering from difficulties in survival, and the desire for goods is growing more than ever due to the growing wealth and wealth. Looking at the crime statistics of the past decade in this situation, the number of property crimes has increased remarkably among all crimes, especially among women and the elderly. In addition, it is possible to guess the dailyization of fraud crimes through the increase in small fraud cases, which shows that the trust effect on norms and the prevention effect through punishment are not effective.
 At this point, it is now necessary to find a new criminal policy plan, and as a plan, it is proposed to try to combine the behavioral economic perspective that has recently spread like a trend in each field in criminal policy. The behavioral economics point of view is that humans do not make more rational choices than they think, and these limited rational choices cause various characteristics of humans (heuristics and biases), but these characteristics have inherent limitations and also have a great environmental impact. Accordingly, in recent behavioral economics, the idea of free compassion is being directed as a national policy program. This free-temperate program is now introduced in criminal policy, showing that it is necessary to avoid the state's heavy punishment and change the direction of making rational choices (standard compliance) for the people. A representative method for implementing free compassion is ‘nudge’, which seems to be very useful in preventing fraudulent crimes in particularly fraudulent crimes. This is because, unlike other accidental crimes and property crimes, fraud crimes have a relatively long time gap such as deception, error, and disposition of the accused, so there is time to switch to the standard practice of knowledge. From this, fraudulent crimes are a good target to increase the preventive effect of knowledge, and it is necessary to seek specific measures.

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