
At work neuromarketing is considered as a powerful tool that consists of a complex of techniques and methods of influencing the consumen’s subconscious to establish a stronger connection between the enterprise and the target audience in order to increase the number of sales. It combined all the effective strategies of conventional marketing with brain science supported by diagnostic reseach methods. These studies are used when creating a new product or advertising campaign because they help determine which taste, color and design of the product will attract the buyer's attention and have the greatest impact on him. Knowing the neurophysiological processes of emotional and cortical reactions of customers, marketers can effectively influence all the sensory organs of consumers, using positive stimuli (smell, sound, color, tactile sensations) to effectively promote products. However, the use of such an innovative tool is possible only with a pre-thought-out plan and with an integrated approach. In the modern world to maintain the competitiveness of products and the company as a whole to use various forms of neuromarketing. Both the design of the product and it’s other properties, in order to please people, must affect all senses and all levels of information perception: intuitive, sensory, behavioral, mental, sensory. All it’s components are a mechanism for are manipulating customers, which helps to quantify sales of products and monopolize markets. Therefore, to improve sales efficiency, manufacturers need to use the experience of foreign companies more often and try to develop their own methods of influencing the subconscious of their target audience. However, the question of developing the ethical component of the latest neurotechnologies in the field of marketing remains open. The article identifies the main advantages and disadvantages of neuromarketing channels of influence. The authors consider their further study and development at the national and international levels as one of the options for a new impetus for the development of a product sales and minimizing the cost of enterprises for expensive advertising campaigns.

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