
Examples of atypical structure of the embryonic apparatus of indicator plants in the Donbas are highlighted. Many years of experience in conducting phytoindication experiments (1998–2022) made it possible to identify accounting sites with contrasting geochemical characteristics and monodominant ingredient pollution. Registered abnormalities are considered as variants of extreme structural polymorphism of plants of natural flora under conditions of specific stress of the technogenic environment. For phytotesters Amaranthus retroflexus L., Atriplex patula L., Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik., Diplotaxis muralis (L.) DC., Polygonum aviculare L., Reseda lutea L. and Senecio vulgaris L. integral indicators of the state of generative systems (2019–2021) were calculated according to the structure of pollen, the frequency of occurrence of teratological manifestations in the embryonic apparatus and successful seed germination. Examples of specific manifestations of degradation and neoplasms in the structures of plant embryonic tissues are given. The morphological experiment was implemented in the ascertainment of contrasting levels of dominant pollutants, which makes it possible to recommend specific features of plant structure as markers for ecological monitoring of natural environments. An assumption about the influence of individual tissue transformations in germinal structures on the quality of seed material in general and on the methods of formation of adaptive heterospermia was made.

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