
This article is dedicated to analyze of modern tendency of wold commodity market of jewelry industry. At the article the determine of jewelry. At the article was analyzed modern value of raw material of jewelry industry: gold and silver. The main gold and silver mining countries were determined, were analyzed the value of mining and consumption of gold and silver. The market of gold can be viewed from both side as finance market and as raw market. Gold mining is global business with deals on all continents, accepts Antarctica. For many countries, mining of gold is factor of economic development, foreign investment. Mining of gold gets currencies and tax, transport. Market of gold, as raw market has such tendency: large field of gold is at some countries: China (average specific gravity 12,4%), USA (average specific gravity 7,14%), Russia (average specific gravity 7, 42%), Australia (average specific gravity 8,66%). At these countries are watched noticeable and constant growth in production of gold. The main of golden custom is jewelry - average specific gravity 45,60%. The main customer of golden is jewelry industry of India (746 t), Turkey (153t), Saudi Arabia (109t), Russia (109t) and USA (179t). These countries are the main producer of golden jewelries. Another raw market jewelry is silvery market. The world silver market is very monopolized. The main region of mining is countries of Latin America. The main silver mining countries are Mexico (average specific gravity 22,60%), Peru (average specific gravity 17,32%), China (average specific gravity 10,88%). The main field of consumer of silver in electronic industries, photos, and only at third point is jewelry. Consumption of silver of jewelry is not large. Last year such tendency are observed: falling of silver mining rates. It means rather falling of silver reserves, but improve recycling of silver. Also rather rates of silver custom, The most falling is at manufacture of jewelries and silver plate. Investment to silver is very actual. As source of statistic information are using of international organization report: World Gold Council, World Silver Institute.

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