
In the water body monitoring and quality management system the identification of negative impact sources is of high importance. The most striking example of anthropogenic changes of nature is pollution, that is introduction into the environment of substances and energy, alien for it, or peculiar to it, but in the concentration exceeding background indicators. Inventory of anthropogenic polluters of water ecosystems was carried out on the example of the Voronezh reservoir which is influenced potent impact of the city agglomeration surrounding it. The article presents the results of the carried out inventory. As the main sources of anthropogenic pollution of the water area of a reservoir leading to transformation of quality of waters were allocated: activity of the production enterprises, farming, transport and activity of the population of the city and suburbs. The pollutants allocated in a surrounding medium from these sources get to a reservoir with household drains; production sewage; atmospheric precipitation; a thawed and rain drain from the territory (including from the production platforms, farmlands, personal subsidiary farms); livestock production drains; underground waters; washing waters of water lifting stations; the water mass of the Voronezh River and the small city water currents coming negative impact of all listed above sources. The researches of chemical composition of snow cover of various functional zones of the city of Voronezh which are earlier conducted by the author showed that thawed snow contain the significant amount of the pollutants leading to adverse changes in a surrounding medium. Paths of migration of pollutants demonstrate ekologo-geochemical coherence of the water area of a reservoir and the adjacent territory. Following the results of a research the chip of sources of anthropogenic pollution, as well as the routes of pollutant movement in various environments and input to a reservoir has been developed. The practical significance of the developed scheme input to the possibility of its use for adoption of efficient administrative decisions by authorities in the field of regional water management policy.

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