
In this paper, I examine two texts by dPal sprul (1808–1887), Sher phyin mngon rtogs rgyan gyi sPyi don (PP) and Sher phyin mngon rtogs rgyan gyi Sa bcad (PS), the commentaries on Sher phyin man ngag gi bstan bcos mngon rtogs rgyan (MNg). I try to compare the topics in these texts and others dealing with the 9 commentaries on MNg, written by Ar byang chub ye shes (Ar), rNgog blo ldan shes rab (Ngo), Bu ston rin chen grub (Bu), g-Yag ston (Y), Rong ston shes bya kun rig (R), Nya dbon (Nya), Tsong kha pa (Ts), Dar ma rin chen (Dar), and ’Ju Mi pham. The results show that the structure of PP and PS are different from Ngo, Bu, R, Dar. Ar and Nya are closely related, but they are different from both PS and PP. Furthermore, Nya is different from Y. As far as topics are concerned, Tsong kha pa’s Ts and g-Yag ston’s Y are similar. Ts and PP along with PS are very similar. When we examine dPal sprul’s text or Tsong kha pa’s text on the mNgon rtogs rgyan, we must pay attention to g-Yag ston’s commentary.

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