
Purpose. Bergamaksky Ostrog is the westernmost element in the chain of fortified points, designed to ensure safe and uninterrupted traffic along the section of the Moscow-Siberian Route from Tara to Tomsk. The history of this defensive fortification is presented in the works of several researchers, however the complete picture has not been presented in available literature so far. The reason for this is that different types of sources were looked at separately, and the most informative evidence of contemporaries has remained out of sight of the researchers. The source base is represented by archival documents on the history of the Bergamaksky Ostrog, published by various researchers, information from travel diaries of D. G. Messerschmidt (1721) and J. G. Gmelin (1741), materials from archaeological excavations of 1996 and 1998 (L. V. Tataurova and S. F. Tataurov), the results of dendrochronological dating of wooden structures selected during archaeological research. Results. A comprehensive and interlinked consideration of all types of sources made it possible to form a complete picture of the history of the Bergamaksky Ostrog and identify a number of erroneous statements entrenched in scientific literature. It is established that before 1668, there were no Russian settlements on the site of the modern village of Bergamak in the Omsk Oblast. The records that report that the Bergamak settlement appeared in 1627 are false, since it belonged to the Tatar village of Bergamak. It has been established that the Ostrog was built in the settlement in 1670. By the turn of the 17th – 18th centuries it fell into complete disrepair and was not mentioned as a defensive fortification in the office administration. Conclusion. As a result of the introduction of new sources (travel diaries of D. G. Messerschmidt and J. G. Gmelin), it was established that no earlier than 1721, a second Bergamaksky Ostrog was constructed in a new place. The article developed a hypothesis about its localization and a graphic and descriptive reconstruction of its layout plan was completed.

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