
The environmental and health care challenges pose new requirements for the level of technological equipment responsible for uninterrupted financial flows. The research is based on the following indicators: gross domestic product; e-commerce revenue; the share of banks’ participation in e-commerce; the level of cash usage in developed and developing countries; online and offline payments in European countries. The following statistical sources were used: the IMF, Statista, McKinsey, Adobe Analytics, Blue Yonder, Oliver Wyman, BIS, etc. We detected that the European countries became one of the first to experience significant economic damage from Covid 19. Also, authors defined the key areas to overcome the crisis effects. They are the developed financial infrastructure, the flexibility of employers, and the modern technological equipment of companies. Ensuring the development of the financial infrastructure is possible only under the following conditions: existing payment instruments and innovations in this segment; adequate level of cybersecurity and prevention of free theft of personal data; opportunities for access to e-commerce, which would allow consumers to uninterruptedly receive the necessary goods for life, develop logistics and create a giant company; cloud technologies have become an effective solution for workers and employers because, without them, a significant part of workers would be out of work, and this would further reduce purchasing power and deepen the crisis. Modern financial technologies are in a period of their increasing consumer demand and the need for new advanced solutions to existing payment instruments. The next few years will be decisive in shaping a new dimension in the electronic payments system.

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