
Theoretical aspects of noncommercial concession use are considered in the article. It will allow to increase significantly efficiency of regional and local governing bodies interaction, and therefore the standard of living of municipalities population. The emphasis is placed on regulation of the noncommercial concession relations by the contract, determined by the regional law, and also other elements of the mechanism of noncommercial concession use for regional development. The main components of noncommercial concession contracts are considered, priority attention is paid to the new rights and obligations of the parties, arising in connection with the conclusion of the relevant contracts and reflecting novelty of this regions development instrument. The complete mechanism of noncommercial concession use for acceleration of social and economic development of municipalities and regions allows to carry out complex impact on basic spheres of the population`s activity for significant improvement of the situation. Use of noncommercial concession in the region is resulted by alignment of social and economic development of municipalities, granting to citizens jobs, goods and services in the place of residence, that allows to lower a population overflow, solving thereby problems of critical decrease in population of some territories and overpopulation of others. Noncommercial concession is the universal instrument of regional development and can be applied, after approbation on the basis of one or several regions, in all regions of the Russian Federation.

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