
The article is devoted to the study of issues related to the formation and implementation of the mechanism for managing the economic development of the motor transport enterprise, which is based on the creation of motivational factors for structural changes and the use of innovative financial instruments. In the course of the study, a mechanism for managing the economic development of motor transport enterprises was developed, which includes the goal, expected results, performance criteria, functions, principles, tools, influencing factors, areas of reform and means of implementation, which are subject to the task of eliminating non-constructive obstacles that block the possibility of implementing development strategies in legal and transparent competitive conditions. The mechanism for managing the economic development of motor transport enterprises involves the coordination of management tools at the enterprise level with market trends and tools for forming a motivational environment through tariff, tax and investment policies. Its application will allow effective restructuring of the elements of the price of transport services and the formation of a resource base for production reproduction at motor transport enterprises and in the transport sector. Such innovative tools as financial engineering and public-private partnership are integrated into the economic development management mechanism, which are characterized by a combination of banking, budget-tax and hybrid financing tools for enterprise activities, aimed at the formation of targeted cash flows and the achievement of economic development goals. The result of the practical implementation of the proposed mechanism for managing the economic development of motor transport enterprises will be an increase in the quality and scope of the provision of transport services, a balance of internal and external resources, and a strengthening of the competitiveness of the industry market.

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