
This paper was attempted to examine the poetry of Cho Han-young found in the collection Seolgyosuchangjip. In 1639, after the Manchu War of 1636(丙子胡亂), the Qing Dynasty requested the deployment of naval forces(水軍) from Joseon for their war against the Ming Dynasty. In response, Kim Sang-heon(金尙憲), Cho Han-young, and Chae Ihang(蔡以恒) submitted a petition opposing the dispatch of naval forces. As a result, the Qing Dynasty summoned these three men to Shenyang(瀋陽). During their confinement in Shenyang's prison, Cho Han-young and Kim Sang- heon spent their time composing poetry, the poems exchanged between them are compiled in the collection Seolgyosuchangjip. In this paper, Cho Han-young's poetry included in this book was divided into two aspects.
 The first aspect is the portrayal of deep sorrow and lamentation in the foreign land. Cho Han-young employed a technique of contrasting the present with the past to reveal his discontent with life in confinement and his yearning for freedom. Through the metaphor of a bird, he lamented his own situation, and he frequently expressed nostalgia using the theme of dreams. Additionally, he incorporated regret and heartbreak into playful poetic expressions. These works indicate that Cho Han-young's eyes were often directed towards the south.
 The second aspect is an expression of the anti-Qing consciousness. Cho Han-young depicted Shenyang and its surroundings as a dark and unstable space, and used negative expressions and a strong tone to reveal his resentment towards the Qing Dynasty. He also blamed himself for failing to become a warrior and revealed his great will to play an active part in the battlefield. Meanwhile, He also revealed a sense of anti-Qing consciousness through retrospection on historical figures. He recalled individuals who achieved victory in wars, those who punished the barbarians, and those who harbored a spirit of revenge. He also recited his desire for these characters to appear in the reality of Joseon. Works that manifest anti-Qing consciousness indicate that his eyes were oriented towards the north, including Shenyang.
 Jo Han-young's poetry is significant in that it shows the conscious orientation of an anti-Qing writer who had to live in detention in Shenyang after the Manchu War of 1636.

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