
The article attempts to characterize the legal status of sports fans in Ukraine using the experience of foreign countries. Attention is paid to the historical aspect of the formation of sports fans in the world. The author dwelled on the movement of football fans in the twentieth century. Based on modern research by Ukrainian scientists, a classification of certain categories of football fans is presented. The article argues that sports fans are a kind of challenge to government agencies, and sometimes to society as a whole, so the ability to work with such informal entities, where the composition is dominated by young people, is a key task of government agencies. Examples of fruitful cooperation between the state, local governments and volunteers in the form of fan projects with football fans in Germany and Belgium are given. It was stated that cooperation in Ukraine is still carried out at the level of the football club and fans. The introduction of the position of the Officer for work with football fans in football clubs is positively assessed. The specifics of the Ukrainian fan football movement are pointed out - it is strongly influenced by politics. It is emphasized that in Ukraine, so far, there is no law that would regulate the legal status of sports fans. A number of international agreements, acts of international sports organizations and Ukrainian legislative, by-laws and local regulations are analyzed in the context of clarifying the set of rights and obligations of sports fans (mostly football). It is established that the status of sports fans is determined only within the limits of achieving the goal of ensuring the safety of sports competitions. It is proposed to develop a special law in the future, which would establish the legal status of sports fans and the fan movement in general. Particular attention is paid to the clear wording of the rights of sports fans.

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