
The article is devoted to issues of development of the external and internal environment of the enterprise, determination of components and factors influencing this development, stages of their transformation. For a marketer, this question is one of the key ones, not so much in the context of the current analysis of the marketing environment, since the current analysis will be done in the process of studying the components of the macro- and microenvironment, but in the context of the ability to see global trends in the transformation of the environment, directions of development of its components and a potential picture of the future. The development of socio-economic systems is a complex process, both in terms of the quality of their components, and in terms of the number and interrelationships and mutual influence between them. For example, the stages of transformation of the technological basis of production in turn affect the nature of economic relations between market agents, determining key resources for production and technological possibilities for their processing, transportation, and communications. Thus, determining the key sectors of the economy, which are the locomotives of the entire system. The key sectors, the nature of their work and the skills needed to start and maintain them, determine the requirements for the education and personal qualities of the workforce, as well as the nature of human work - intellectual or not. If we take other components of the economic system, they differ in the same complex course of transformation and also affect many adjacent areas, forming direct and indirect connections that can be realized over a long period of time, so that the results of marketing activities in such an environment are spread over time with direct marketing influence and may be distorted in the process of execution. That is why it is very important for a marketer to understand which components of the environment to pay attention to, and how they can affect the realization of a marketing goal.

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