
This paper tries to examine the government type of South Korea by the US Military Government by using the papers in Leonard Birtsch which is collected by the Harvard-Yenching Library. ere are various types of documents in the collection, which includes those produced by the Joint US-Soviet Committee in 1946 and 1947. Among them, there are three drafts of the Interim Korean Government chart which planned to be organized based on the Moscow Conference Decision in December 1945. rough these drafts, it is possible to guess what kind of republic system would be planned to be established according to the US Military Government.BRA part of the dra which should be stressed is that the chief of state and the deputy chief of state would be elected by the legislative body. At the same time, ministers would be elected and approved by the assembly, although the chief of state would have a right to appoint ministers. is is a crucial part in the first constitution of the Republic of Korea in 1948. Furthermore the independent role of judicial power was stressed in the dra, which is dierent from the ROK system since the 1950s. If there is any critical problem by a supreme judge, the right to were him or her is not by the chief of state, but by the assemblyman. The fact that local judges were appointed by local government is another feature of the dras which is dierent from thejudicial system in South Korea.BREven though the dra includes the paragraph on the trusteeship system and it was not clear whether the soviet troop commanders would accept the chart drafted by the American military government, the republic system which the US planned was based on the separation of legislative, judicial and administrative powers. In particular, control by the legislative body over the administration is deserving attention. is would be a system to bother establishment of the dictatorship on the Korean Peninsula in the future.

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