
The article analyzes results of an online survey (N = 2021) of young people (aged from 14 to 35 years) living in the Saratov region. The author summarizes answers related to the respondents’ value orientation. It is concluded that the value identification and orientation of young people are influenced by the safe conditions of functioning of regional society, as well as global political events. In the view of young people, the values of patriotism and collectivism fade into the background, material well-being comes first, this contributes to the outflow of young people from the province to more prosperous cities and regions, which creates a lack of population reproduction potential in the region. In turn, this creates demographic problems and the replacement of the indigenous population by migrants who are not culturally adapted to local conditions. The polar worldview of young people is also revealed in relation to the special military operation, where positive and negative opinions are almost equal. In the structure of regional security, regional threats are clarified, to which the author refers destructive political activity of young people, uncertainty about the future, outflow of young people from the region, uncontrolled migration to the region of citizens of other states, corruption of local officials, and low socio-qualitative potential of the region.

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