
The purpose of the study was to experimentally check the effectiveness of the developed proposals for improving the physical training of artillery cadets with an emphasis on the development of strength and power endurance. Materials and methods. The main material was scientific articles, archival data, guiding documents on the organization, structure and content of physical training in the armed forces of Ukraine and NATO countries. To achieve the goal, a complex of general scientific research methods was used: theoretical analysis, generalization of practice experience, survey of cadets and specialists, pedagogical observation and experiment, medical and pedagogical testing, mathematical and statistical analysis of the obtained results. The time aspect of the appearance of information on a certain topic was also taken into account. Similarly, direct study of printed literary sources took place, in particular, information from journal articles about lists of used literature. In total, more than 80 sources of information were analyzed, after which a final review was conducted and 31 literature sources were singled out, the material of which was processed using general scientific methods. Results and discussion. A survey of 121 physical education specialists showed that the most important factors that determine the effectiveness of the physical training of artillery cadets are the use of physical exercises to develop strength and power endurance (29.1% of respondents) and the use of loads in the process of physical training that are adequate for the conditions of the officer's combat activity (15.9% of respondents). During the analysis of the conducted study, it was established that the main pedagogical conditions for improving the quality of physical training among artillery cadets are the rational distribution of training load in all forms of physical training, a gradual but constant increase in physical load with an emphasis on strength training and endurance. Conclusion. The analysis of the conducted survey of specialists determined the need to improve the methodology of conducting physical training with artillery cadets, paying attention to the main pedagogical conditions for its implementation. This is, first of all, the use in the process of physical training of cadets of a load adequate to the conditions of the combat activity of an artillery officer and modeling of physical training, in accordance with the features of the military and professional activity of artillerymen when performing combat tasks. A gradual increase in the intensity and volume of physical activity is important. In the course of the research, the developed program of physical training of artillery cadets of the experimental group showed high efficiency, which allowed to increase the level of their physical fitness by 21.2%, while in the control group such an increase was 8.8%. The implementation of the program had a positive effect on the functional state of the cadets’ bodies. The level of the studied indicators improved by an average of 18.2% in experimental group, and by 7.1% in control group

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