
This article focuses on the relation between the subject and object in theory of cognition. Special attention is paid to the role of social communication in the construction of the real world. The author stresses that the language communication plays an important role in this process. Thereby, it affects human cognition as well as all existence. When discussing this phenomenon, the author uses the methodology that was symbolically described by Kant as the Copernican turn. Wilhelm von Humboldt was one of the first to apply and develop Kant’s method in the theory and philosophyof language. He assumed that language had a priori roots and that it was energeia rather than ergon. The active theory of language (social communication) was further developed in the 20th century within the concept of language symbolism, namely, Ernst Cassirer’s system of symbolic forms. It suggests that communicative structures are independent from real facts, since they participate in the construction of these very objective facts. In the conclusion, the author examines several American theories of language (social communication), namely, relativism (Edward Sapir, Benjamin L. Whorf) and generative grammar (Noam Chomsky). Both systems presuppose language activism.

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