
The comparative characteristics of the definitions of «attractiveness of tourism» and «competitiveness of tourism» in the context of revealing the essence of economic approach to this concept have been made; determined the level of tourism attractiveness in Ukraine by analyzing the dynamics of the tourism competitiveness index; the necessity of introducing innovations into the tourism business is substantiated and the main types of innovations in tourism are identified; the factors influencing the competitiveness of tourist complexes, as well as the bases for elaboration of a complex concept of enhancing the competitiveness of tourism enterprises are highlighted; prospects for the development of domestic tourism business and the main directions of innovations in the tourism industry are determined. The purpose of the article is to investigate the essence of the concept of "attractiveness of tourism" and its relationship with the level of competitiveness of the country, as well as to determine the impact of innovative factors on the development of tourism business in Ukraine to improve and enhance the attractiveness of national tourism. The methodological basis of the article is general theoretical and specific research methods, in particular, the method of logical generalization (logical-dialectical) for revealing the essence and content of the category "attractiveness of tourism"; the method of scientific abstraction in substantiating the essence of the concept of "innovation in the tourism business"; graphoanalytical method for analysis, comparison and visualization of dynamics of the competitiveness index in tourism and travel of Ukraine in comparison with other European countries; systematic and integrated approaches - to substantiate types of innovations in tourism, to determine the main directions of development of competitiveness of domestic tourism.

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