
The banking system is the most important mechanism for organizing cash flows in the country, ensuring the flow of capital between its suppliers and consumers through credit mechanisms. Social credit system, the main beneficiaries of which are socially vulnerable segments of the population, involves the state as a mandatory participant in the system, which creates programs to support vulnerable segments of the population, provides budgetary funds to subsidize interest rates and compensate part of the loans, and acts as a guarantor of the sustainability of the system. The purpose of the study is to develop theoretical and methodological principles and develop scientific and practical recommendations for modernizing the social credit system in the Russian Federation. Methodology: The study is based on an integrated approach, the implementation of which involves the use of the dialectical method, as well as methods of logical and comparative analysis, deduction and induction using observation and expert questioning, thereby ensuring a high level of data reliability when processing empirical material as the basis for conclusions and proposals. Results: a conceptual conflict is established in the theoretical and methodological basis of the social credit system, and a notion and theoretical justification for this definition are proposed, allowing one to crystallize the economic essence of social credits. It is substantiated that the current social credit system in Russia focuses on the mortgage component, in which the level of paternalism is higher than the social effect from the use of budget funds. State programs to support social credit system are systematized, clarifying their conditions and impact on competition and paternalism in this area. Recommendations for modernizing the social credit system are substantiated, based on the introduction of social rating elements into the current system, developed and successfully tested in China. The author's program “Preferential Loan” is proposed, combining elements of the social credit system in force in Russia and the social rating system of the People's Republic of China. An original mechanism for modernizing social credit system in the Russian Federation has been developed, which includes the subjects of the system, the substantive aspect of the relationship between them, digital technologies and information infrastructure.

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