
The article deals with the problem of determining the conductor as an active educator who possesses a philosophical level of world-view and methodological vision of the essence of a man as a social being, determined in his actions by the peculiarities of the biological psychophysiological organization. Some directions of practical implementation of the educators' consciousness are given to this level of human understanding by means of which, in the first place, should be carried out by the state in the person of people enlightened by the humanistic state mentality. Leadership is an active educational activity of the category of people who in each country make up a leading social layer, without which its progressive-humanist development is impossible. It is noted that the layer of the leaders should act as a leading force in the development of society. For this purpose, the state information policy on propagating not only the achievements of science and technology, but also those who, in fact ignoring the material conditions of their lives, tirelessly work in the direction of intelligent cognitive thinking, should become a means for this. Leaders are the devotees, this is the category of people who make every effort to “move from place” an inert mass of people, to break their peace of mind in order not to have a status of purely physical rest, but always in cooperation with the thinking movement, and not just with the movement of the body. Therefore, leadership is initiated with the birth of philosophy as “the mother of science”, as the process of “thinking about thinking”. Hence, the heroic efforts of the ascetics in their attempt to awaken the need in people not in figuratively associative but conceptual thinking, taking into account that the concepts represent the "soul of the method", forming an adequate human behavior. Keywords: man, conductor, teacher, education, enlightenment, state, outlook, philosophy.

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