
The article discusses the problems associated with changing the process of youth employment in connection with digitalization. Against the background of the characteristics of the modern youth labor market, a comparative analysis of the features of employment in the 20th and 21st centuries is given, among which the need to change in the 21st in the model of human behavior in the labor market in the digital economy, which requires invariance of behavior and independence in decision-making, the study of prospects is of particular importance. emerging in the economy and the development of an individual educational trajectory, constant self-development and self-learning, readiness to change the type of activity, based on their needs and capabilities. It is shown that the need to change behavior patterns is associated with changes in the conditions in which the modern labor market functions, among which the most important place is occupied by digitalization and globalization of the media, a variety of forms of employment, remote and hybrid forms of work organization, an increase in geographical diversity, expansion of opportunities for people with disabilities, reducing the regulation of activities.

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