
The article provides a scientific analysis of the study of the sites of Saks in the Eastern Aral Sea region. It is noted that the ruins of the city and other archaeological sites located in the eastern part of the Aral Sea and inthe middle part of the Syr Darya were first described historically and geographically in the late 19th -early 20th centuries. It is shown that the geographical environment, warm and humid air, an abundance of fresh water in the Eastern Aral Sea region have long created favorable conditions for human life, influencing the economy, lifestyle and material culture of the ancient population of the Lower Syrdarya and played an important role in historical development. A large group of Saka monuments was discovered in the Jetiosor oasis adjacent to the Eskidarya valley of the Syrdarya. It is located north of the Inkardarya and Dzhanidarya rivers, southwest of the modern city of Dzhusali. In the southern part of the delta of the Lower Syrdarya (tributaries of the Inkardarya), settlements and mounds of the first Saka culture (South Tagisken, Uygarak) were identified, it was revealed that the pastoralists led a semi-nomadic lifestyle and lived in settlements that were not surrounded. defensive walls. The importance of expanding archaeological materials in promoting scientific issues and developing new topics on the history of the Saks of the Aral Sea is emphasized. They are a determining factor in the dynamics of the development of knowledge about the historical past.In particular, it is argued that the comparison of written sources and the results of archaeologicalresearch is important in the process of historical reconstruction

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