
A technique of regions’ economic development stability assessment has been
 stated. The technique is based on diagnosing of economic growth stability loss
 by an assessment of economic growth rate dispersion. The economic growth
 instability risk is estimated by an indicator reflecting a relative variation of
 economic growth rates. Regions of Far East Federal District: Republic of Sakha
 (Yakutia), Kamchatka Krai, Primorsky Krai, Khabarovsk Krai, Amur Region,
 Magadan Region, Jewish Autonomous Region, Chukotka Autonomous District,
 Sakhalin Region have been investigated. Statistical data during 2000–2011 have
 been used. It has been established that regions significantly differ ones from
 others on the periods of sustainable and unstable development and economic
 growth instability degree. It has been revealed that economy of most regions of
 the Far East Federal District develops unstably. An exception is Primorsky Krai
 which develops more stably.
 Economic development instability indicators significantly influence on a level of
 investments into region economy. On a sample of regions the economic
 development instability explains not less than 30% reduction of investment
 level, that allows consider economic development instability impact on
 investment climate in the region as significant.

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