
Great attention is deservedly given to the practical training of the surgeon, but uniform training approach has not been formed. The systematic development of hands of future surgery specialist is an urgent problem. It takes years to reach the optimal level of manual technique, and early training start contributes to this. It is important to have a clear idea of what skills to train and what to strive for. The aim of the work was assumed to determine the factors affecting the training of surgical techniques and effectiveness of the new training program. We have formed 5 groups of 7—8 people in the group. Each group was trained, which included 8 hours of practical training with a teacher in the curriculum "Fundamentals of surgical techniques". All students were provided: a textbook "Basics of surgical equipment", tools and a basic surgical simulator. 28 different skills were mastered, of which 63.4 % were for students absolutely new. Recommendations were given and allocated 4 months on independent training after the end of practical classes.We have identified that 90.9 % of students coped with the development of the program "Fundamentals of surgery", which, with the final questionnaire, estimated the effectiveness of the entire rate of 9.76 points (on a 10-point scale). According to the recommendation of students expressed when surveying, the training of a video course has begun, which is located on YouTube at https://www. youtube. com/c/L earningSurgicalTechnique. The program "Fundamentals of surgical technique" corresponds to the possibilities of students of 2—3 courses; can be mastered by them during one semester of training.

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