
This article aims to elaborate on the issue of inward and outward human being beliefs associated with Islamic philosophy, which has been extensively debated by Muslim scholars of different sects of ahli al-sunaẗ wa al-jamāʿaẗ and ismāʿīlīaẗ. According to ahli al-sunaẗ, both the inner and outer are interrelated. Therefore, it is required to be compatible with each other; otherwise, it will not be considered valid faith in the light of Qur’an and Sunnah. On the contrary, according to ismāʿīlīaẗ and other sects, it does not require compatibility in this regard. In this research work, the opinions of both have been discussed comparatively, along with a critical analysis of their evidence based on the texts of Qur’an and Sunnah, and its impact on the faith of a Muslim in this world and hereafter.

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