
An innovative project of LLC «Institute Stroyproekt» was chosen as the object of research. The program of construction and installation works, the average annual production capacity of a construction organization, the effectiveness of personnel policy and administrative and economic costs, indicators of proceeds from product sales are linked by the authors with the efficiency of the economic activity of the enterprise and prof-itability indicators. The analysis summarizes the payback of the innovative project and the payback step, as well as the project's net present value and the internal rate of return. The article presents an assessment of the effectiveness of an innovative project using a discounted method for assessing investment and innovation projects. The authors noted that the innovation process, in addition to fundamental research, includes the determination of rational ways of practical implementation of development results through the implementation of research and development work and development work aimed at reengineering means of production, ma-terials, technologies and business processes, with the preparation of technical and economic justification and subsequent commercialization.

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