
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the need for further development of the lending system for agricultural producers in Ukraine, determine the feasibility of creating agricultural cooperative banks, the development of land mortgage lending and other instruments of financial and credit support, taking into account the best world experience and the specifics of the functioning of the agricultural sector of the economy. Research methods. A dialectical method of scientific knowledge has been used, as well as a systematic research approach using the experience of lending in other countries, taking into account the results of scientific research by domestic scientists and reasonable assessments of the current state of credit services for agricultural producers, a set of methods for processing statistical data characterizing the dynamics and corresponding trends. Research results. The ways of further development of the system of financial and credit support of agricultural producers as an important component of agrarian transformations are determined, the best world experience is summarized, the assessment of the current state of lending to the agricultural economy is given. Scientific novelty. The further improvement of the credit support system for the needs of participants in the agricultural market in modern conditions was substantiated, as an important component of the comprehensive institutional support of the reform processes in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. Practical significance. The results of the study can be taken into account in the practical activities of government bodies, by participants in the agricultural market and the banking system, in the deepening of scientific research, in the educational process. Tabl.: 3. Figs.: 3. Refs.: 17.

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