
For the scientific substantiation of technical solutions for the modification of technological equipment for food production, a mathematical model for the preparation of aerated dough is proposed. On this basis, new technical means and technological equipment have been developed for the production of bread products from whipped yeast-free dough. The mathematical model makes it possible to investigate the quality indicators of aerated yeast-free dough and in particular, its uniformity, which depends on the geometric characteristics of the kneading chamber, the duration of mixing, and the volume of water. The main parameter that allows mode ling the mixing process is the suspension flow density and the mixing coefficient. The process of equalizing the suspension density along the height of the kneading chamber is modeled by the chamber system is modeled by a system of differential equations. The solution of these equations allows you to determine the optimal geometric parameters of the kneading chambers. Determining the parameters of the kneading chamber for forced mixing of ingredients through the use of mechanical energy makes it possible to calculate the technical characteristics of the design of the apparatus for preparing whipped yeast-free dough, these include the characteristics of the energy source, power plant (electric motor), source of thermal energy, compressor to create pressure in the kneading chamber.

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