
Objectives This study emphasizes the usefulness of various films for multicultural learning and analyzes learners' perceptions of multicultural education through movies. Methods For this purpose, the research’s video media centered on Paddington, which helps pupils understand the process of adapting to other cultures, and Serial Bad Weddings, which highlights cultural differences between countries. The teaching procedure consisted of four stages: The cultural preparation stage, the cultural under-standing stage, the cultural organization stage, and the self-evaluation stage. Learners used a self-evaluation journal and responded to an open-ended questionnaire to determine their awareness and satisfaction with how cultural classes utilized films. Results The result revealed that learners were delighted with cultural classes employing multicultural media (83.7%). Specifically, the students cited the usefulness of cultural learning, media use, fun, and participation ac-tivities for their high satisfaction levels. Conclusions Task-oriented participatory activities using video media should be actively utilized during multi-cultural learning. Instructors should design participatory activities for multicultural education to engage learners.

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