
The need to increase the level of customer satisfaction, the improvement of permanent relations with consumers and the development of modern markets under the conditions of globalization lead to the creation of such an organizational form as a virtual enterprise. The relevance of this problem comes from the constant growth of global networks, digital and information technologies, which stimulates the development of a new type of economic relations, which leads to an inevitable change in traditional concepts of doing business. The reason for the appearance of the concept of a virtual enterprise is definitely the rapid spread of modern Internet technologies, within which new opportunities for communication and cooperation of autonomous and geographically distant enterprises are implemented. The emergence of new information technologies opens up new opportunities for business organization. At the current stage, it is not the restructuring of the production cycle or the reworking of the business process, but technologies using the Internet that form the information infrastructure of support for virtual enterprises. It should provide communication and integration, joint management, including modeling of the interaction of participants and support of work execution. In the modern economy, one of the key factors of the competitiveness of enterprises are: timely response to market changes, speed of production and delivery of goods, adaptive and rational methods of conducting business, effectiveness of the enterprise's marketing strategy. The article describes the virtual enterprise technology, which implements a qualitatively new integration of business process management. The basic aspects of the functioning of virtual enterprises, as well as information technologies, without which this functioning is impossible, are considered. An analysis of key factors that are critical for the existence of a virtual enterprise is carried out, the main requirements for workflow systems to support inter-organizational processes are considered. The ability to quickly respond to market changes at critically low costs from the point of view of traditional business and the ability to make a virtual business profitable with smaller capital investments, in shorter terms and with significantly less financial risk are considered. Possible organizational structures of a virtual enterprise are presented. Advantages and risks of doing business on the basis of a virtual enterprise are provided.

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