
The article is devoted to the determination of petroleum systems in deep sediments of the section of the Upper Pechora Basin of the Pre-Ural trough. These strata are still poorly studied, and the prospects for their oil and gas potential have not been clarified. The article discusses the definitions of the term “Petroleum system” (“Oil and gas” or “Hydrocarbon”) adopted in Russia and abroad. Based on the study of the collected data, including geochemical and reservoir properties, and basin modeling, three deep-submerged petroleum systems were identified within the territory under consideration. It is shown that the generation of hydrocarbons occurred at a time favorable for the formation of deposits. In the deep sediments of the sedimentary cover, the most important conditions for the formation of oil and gas fields within the framework of the concept of petroleum systems are fulfilled. The presence of source rocks, reservoirs, seals and traps, the realization of generation, migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons, as well as the optimal ratio of the time of manifestation of these processes, and the area of formation of deposits were analyzed.

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