
Under the pressure of the growing turbulence of EuroAtlantic space due to the increasing isolationism of the United States and the fact that Global security is now determined by the confrontation between the two centers of power – the United States and China, as well as the shift of strategic decision-making into the USA-Russia-China triangle, Europe is forced to admit that the period of solidarity of the collective West is over. If earlier differences between the allies were exclusively tactical, now they affect already fundamental foundations. In the current situation, Europe will try to intensify the development of the European defence component and strengthen integration in the field of security policy in order to achieve full strategic sovereignty. This process is complicated by the low level of European defence capacity, the shortage of funds of the European defence budget, weak strategic planning, and the unresolved issue of limits of supranational competences of the command of the European Armed Forces. With the use of comparative, event and content analysis, it is concluded that the key problem is that EU member states have a different scale of assessment of risks and security threats, they find it difficult to reach a common understanding, without which the development of a strategic concept of European defence will be largely decorative. The author cosiders that it is first and foremost necessary to establish a Pan-European consensus on basic points, including a set of definitions. A serious challenge for the European defence project was coronavirus COVID-19. The pandemic revealed a global crisis of leadership, a lack of solidarity, and the world's lack of preparedness for a large-scale biological threat. In the near future, states will consider biological attacks among the priority security threats, and this seems to the author to be a promising field for cooperation within the framework of European defence. It is about the development of a Pan-European system of recognition, warning and opposition to the bacteriological threat using developments in the field of artificial intelligence.

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