
The paper is devoted to the research of the role of human as the basis of human potential of the country on basis by the disclosuring of the concepts of human potential and analysis of the human development index, human capital index and the Global Competitiveness Index of Ukraine and the European Union. The expediency and necessity of digitalization of the state processes, the electronic document management system (EDMS), the electronic interaction with citizens and the electronic services are substantiated. Today in Ukraine the European integration acquires a qualitatively new meaning. This is due to the complex socio-economic and political processes, which are associated with the Ukraine’s chosen European vector of development, which in the perspective will help improve the socio-economic situation of society. The human potential is the broadest socio-economic category which characterizes the human participation in social processes. Human potential determines not only the country’s desire to ensure the future existence of creative, the qualified personnel, but also significantly affects on the expanded social renewal in terms of demographic, economic, social and spiritual life. Accordingly, in the digital economy, human resources should be given priority attention on the all levels of government. The development of human potential is influenced by the large number of factors (demo- graphic, investment, natural, housing, social, technical and technological, labour, economic, educational and innovative). One of the most recognized and widespread indicators in the world practice that assess the state, problems and level of human potential are such key indicators as: human development index, human capital index, the global competitiveness index. These indicators allow reflecting the impact on human potential of all these factors and show Ukraine in the ranking of countries of the world. The economic crises have affected on the Human Development Index (HDI) not only on Ukraine, but also on the European countries. In fact, over the ten-year period, the HDI rate for the European countries has deteriorated significantly, but with given the negative economic phenomena of 2017 and 2018, it still had some positive changes as of early 2020. At the same time, the small post-Soviet and now the European countries have significantly improved this indicator by conducting the successful reforms of social sphere. The Human Capital Index (HCI) shows that 70% of the national wealth is formed by the developed countries and only 30% of the national wealth of Ukraine. What is even worse is that while the developed countries are increasing their human capital, Ukraine is losing it. The Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) should be used by the countries, which are striving to remove the existing barriers to the economic development and competitiveness as a tool for analyzing the problematic issues in their economic policy and develop anti-crisis strategies. According to the GCI, Ukraine has improved its state, but this improvement is extremely slow, while the EU’s countries are among the TOP-fifty countries with a high level of competitiveness. Thus, during the research period, almost all indices (except HDI) have increased, however, such increasing did not provide the best position of Ukraine in the world rankings, which indicates about the need significantly much higher rates of intellectualization of the economy. The changes are quite slow. On the basis of conducted analysis, it can be stated that the level of using of human potential are not improving in the recent years. As the observations are shown, the using of human potential in Ukraine takes place in conditions of the crisis phenomena in the economy and socio-cultural contradictions in society. The reform of the economy as a whole and its individual sectors, in particular, the public sector of the economy, the electronic document management system (EDMS), the electronic interaction with citizens and services has a great influence on the improvement of the analyzed indices.

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