
In 1991, the Republic of Turkey became the first country to recognize the independence of Kazakhstan. Such a friendly act of Turkey has become a very important moral support for the young state. Along with the common cultural and historical roots between the two countries, the comprehensive support offered by Turkey in the first years of independence formed the basis for the rapid and dynamic development of bilateral relations. The dynamics of the development of Turkish-Kazakh relations and the construction of these relations at the level of strategic partnership testifies to the similarity of interests in many regional and international issues. Like Kazakhstan, which understands Turkey’s strategic importance in the region and world politics, Turkey approves Kazakhstan’s leading role in Central Asia and considers Kazakhstan the most important partner in the region. The article considers the issue of partnership between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Turkey, which describes the priority areas and topical issues between the two countries today. It is emphasized that Turkey, which has deep historical ties with Kazakhstan, is today an important and reliable partner of the country on the Eurasian continent. For this reason, the article makes a comprehensive analysis of the level of development and prospects of cooperation in dynamically developing industries, mainly in Kazakh-Turkish relations. The article also discusses the need to improve the issue of bilateral investment.

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