
As the importance of quality of life due to improved income levels has emerged, it has been argued that China's consumer market is showing a different characteristic than before and is reaching a transition period toward mature consumption in advanced countries. Amid the establishment of a reasonable consumer culture, value-oriented consumption is established among young consumers, while the consumption pattern of luxury purchases is still in the overall society, so a diverse understanding of consumers' consumption patterns is needed. The study wanted to examine wine consumption and purchasing intentions, which represent a significant growth in luxury goods, and the purpose of this study was to find out whether face sensitivity directly influences the propensity of consumption by changing the subject of consumption from the older generation to the millennials. The purpose of the project is to examine whether this propensity to show off consumption has a significant impact on wine purchase intentions and to provide implications.Firstly, a sense of shame, a sense of other people, and a sense of form, which are lower factors of face sensitivity, were all shown to affect personality-seeking consumption in the positive direction. Secondly, a sense of shame, a sense of others, and a sense of formality were all shown to have an effect on trend-seeking consumption in the positive direction. In addition, as a result of examining the impact of face sensitivity on high-price oriented consumption propensity, only the lower factors of shame and other people's consciousness were statistically significant, and the formal consciousness was not significant. Fifth, impact of ostentatious consumption propensity on wine purchasing intentions, only the lower factors, personality-oriented, brand-oriented, and high-price-oriented consumption propensity, were statistically significant, and the trend of trend-seeking consumption was not significant. Lastly, looking at the impact of face-sensitive sensitivity on wine purchasing intentions, other people's consciousness, and formal consciousness were all statistically significant. This is interpreted as the practice and value system of chinese society, influenced by confucianism, has valued face to show off social status, status, authority, formalities or examples in human interrelationships, and that this sense of face continues to consume to show off one's superiority or self-confidence today.

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