
The transition of the domestic economy to the digital path of development has determined the need to change the models of project management. An analysis of the applicability of agile project management showed the presence of bottlenecks in the Russian markets and created the need to develop an adapted approach that takes into account the peculiarities of the domestic digital economy. The methods of analysis, symbiosis, modeling and visualization served as the basis for the development of an adapted model of agile project management in the digital economy. As a result of applying the methods, a symbiotic constraint model was developed that takes into account the limitations of the tripartite approach and supplements it with the provisions of the Agile concept. On the basis of symbiosis, a agile project management model has been developed, consisting of 8 subsystems declared in the seventh version of the PMBoK. The model is based on the principles of iterative development characteristic of the Agile approach, and also takes into account the key provisions of traditional project management through the introduction of operations of initial planning and control of compliance with constraints. The developed model can be used as a project management tool at domestic enterprises in information technology sphere.

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