
In this paper the author considers the dynamics and trends of nongovernmental pension funds (NPF)
 evolution in Russia in recent years. Statistical data on the NPF number, which is steadily declining, have
 been demonstrated; possible causes of this trend have been identified. The author has presented viewpoints
 of the financial and social blocks of the RF Government on pension savings preservation and pension
 reform continuation. The current situation in the corporatization of nongovernmental pension funds and their
 integration into the pension savings safeguard insurance system has been analyzed in this paper. The data
 for 2012-2015 on values of the nongovernmental pension funds’ pension savings and pension reserves,
 number of insured persons and participants involved in the NPF, average total account values on mandatory
 pension insurance (MPI) and nongovernmental pension provision (NPP), pension payments values, number
 of pensioners. Comparative data for MPI and NPP market evolution (key figures, rate of increase) have
 been presented. The presence of private management companies on MPI market has been analyzed; the
 pension savings values in nongovernmental pension funds, private management companies and Pension
 fund of the Russian Federation have been compared; reserves for the further development of NPF on the
 mandatory pension insurance market have been revealed. On the results of performance indicators analysis
 a list of the largest 13 NPF in terms of pension reserves (these are the funds which each has collected on
 its accounts more than 1 % of all pension reserves on the market) has been composed. A similar list has
 been composed in terms of pension savings — a list of the largest 20 NPF, which each has collected on
 its accounts more than 1 % of all NPF’s pension reserves. The funds indicators from these lists have been
 compared with the data from all other NPF, regularities differences in NPP and MPI lists have been revealed.
 Based on identified trends the author makes forecasts on the nongovernmental pension funds development
 in each presence segment.

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