
In modern conditions, globalization has closely linked geopolitical and geoeconomic processes throughout the world. The war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine is reflected in global economic processes. The domestic agar business is becoming the most important export sector of the national economy. Therefore, increasing the competitiveness of these enterprises, adaptation to the requirements of the EU market, the search for energy efficiency is an urgent problem, the solution of which will stabilize the global food market. A significant additional obstacle on the way of Ukrainian agricultural products to the European market may be the policy of the European Union regarding the "green transition", because it will be taxed when crossing the border for the carbon footprint. This article notes the importance of using clean energy technologies in domestic agribusiness, considers the ways of decarbonization of the greenhouse economy using modern hydrogen technologies. The possibility of minimizing carbon emissions into the atmosphere due to technical re-equipment is being investigated. The advantages and disadvantages of the use of certain technologies are given, and the main goals that the enterprise will achieve due to such a transformation are also described. The convenience and ease of the proposed transformations of the production process is based on the adaptation of the equipment available on the market. Ways to solve the problem of balancing ща electrical energy obtained from renewable energy sources are proposed. Ways of decarbonization of the production process of agricultural products were developed for an existing enterprise, using the example of its greenhouse economy. The application of the specified measures allows domestic agricultural enterprises to diversify their activities and adapt to the effect of the emission tax when crossing EU borders and increase their own competitiveness. The implementation of these technologies is important not only for the development of agribusiness, but also for the domestic energy and chemical sectors, in addition, it improves the state of the environment and strengthens the range of domestic exports.

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