
The author of the article investigates original artistic heritage – experimental art strategies which are repre- sented in short stories by Sigizmund Krzhizhanovskiy. The article gives short biographical information about Krzhizhanovs- kiy as his popularity is growing. The author of short stories is famous for his omniscience talent. Researcher distinguishes such experimental artistic traits as creation of heroes, model of creation individual author’s myth about the world, synthesis of literature kind and sort. These traits are specificity of transitional type of thinking Krzhizhanovs- kiy’s. According to investigations of following scientists M.Epstein, M.Khrenov, Y.Lotman, V.Silantieva Krzhizhanovskiy was identified as prominent representative of transitional cultural period of XX-th century. Researcher demonstrates series of artistic traits which are similar for transitional cultural period of XX-th century and short stories by Krzhizhanovskiy: disintegration of holistic systems; variable and dynamic presentation about existence, world, beauty, true; model of chaosmos; active production new conceptions artistic model of existence and world, human and system of their relationship; eschatological tempers; plurality and multiplicity of worlds; actualization of mythopoetic art; intensification of playing experimental type. Experimental strategies of creating heroes are the next: reconsideration traditional cultural discourse, different meta- morphosis and transformations, using artistic principal of alienation (by V. Shklovsky), active functioning of body’s code, and artistic model of substitution for lifelike heroes. Krzhizhanovskiy experiments also with artistic coordinates of world: space and time (chronotope). Artistic world in short stories by Krzhizhanovskiy disintegrates, splits up and such situations are used for creating plurality and multiplicity of worlds and interworld, quasiworld after apocalypse. Synthesis of literature kind and sort is a bright trait of transitional type of thinking. Short stories by Krzhizhanovskiy show original variants of metric prose. Krzhizhanovskiy uses diversity of principals for rhythmization through all the levels of artistic text. Beside, the principals of musical rhythmization are widely used in short stories. Krzhizhanovskiy coded 23-d Appassionata by Beethoven in one of his short story. The author creates complicated superstructure of the text that confirms diversity of searches artistic synthesis and experimental poetic.

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