
The article presents the results of three studies (2000-01, 2009 and 2014) of activity-related factors that have a significant impact on prosecutors work motivation. As part of the questionnaire respondents (more than a thousand public prosecutors of different sex, age, employment status and place of service) were offered to complete the unfinished sentence, stating the reasons for the attractiveness of their work. The results showed that the main factors stably defining prosecutors professional motivation (80% of responses) were socially-oriented nature of the work, its focus on strengthening the rule of law in the country, helping people, especially the poor, disadvantaged groups of population, as well as the ability to meet the basic needs of the individual employee. (Self-actualization, creativity, professional growth, and others.). Other answers (high wages, the prestige of the profession, stability and others.) were given much less. The problem of the reliability of the data and an impact of social desirability were discussed.

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