
In modern conditions, modeling of technological processes is one of the most promising methods of conducting research on industrial facilities, which is characterized by a low cost compared to conducting research on real metallurgical units. Modeling, as a research method, is based on the reproduction of a real technological process in a smaller volume, in comparison with a real technological process while observing the scale of similarity. In the global practice of researching metallurgical processes, the following methods of modeling technological processes are used: mathematical modeling; low-temperature physical modeling; high-temperature physical modeling. When studying the metallurgical processes of the steelmaking direction, the most complete data is provided by high-temperature physical modeling. At the same time, it allows to study both permanent technological processes and innovative ones. As for the methods of low-temperature physical modeling, they are somewhat limited in the context of informativeness, but they differ in their low cost. Mathematical modeling is promising for modeling established technological processes and needs some clarification with practical data. An urgent task for modern metallurgical science is the development of methods for increasing the accuracy of the results of low-temperature modeling and bringing them closer to high-temperature modeling while maintaining an acceptable cost of modeling.

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