
Introduction: the article is the result of research on the implementation of measures aimed at improving the tax regime of profit taxation in the digital economy. The central issue in the discussion around taxation of the digital economy is the distribution between states of tax rights in relation to digital business models. The author discusses the problem of establishing a link with a certain tax jurisdiction and the problem of profit distribution after this link has been established. The study provides a focus on a comprehensive analysis of the legal framework aimed at ensuring tax security of the state in the context of digital transformation. Purpose: on the basis of comparative legal research, to reveal the features of digital business models that necessitate the application of special taxation rules to them as well as to identify possible areas for improving Russian tax legislation in this field. Methods: analysis and synthesis, the principle of unity of theory and practice; the principles of objectivity and comprehensiveness of research; the principle of interdisciplinarity of research; formal legal, comparative legal, historical, statistical methods. Results: the features of digital business models that necessitate the application of special taxation rules thereto have been identified; suggestions on how to improve Russian tax legislation have been formulated. Conclusions: based on a comparative analysis of transnational groups of digital companies and their activities in various states, the study identifies the features of digital business models that make it necessary to apply special taxation rules to them. The following are suggested as possible areas for improving the tax legislation of Russia: revision of approaches to taxation of a permanent establishment and enshrinement of the rules on taxation of a digital permanent establishment in Article 309 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation; regulation of the relationship between the concepts of services and royalties with regard to the activities of digital companies; regulation of platform employment from the perspective of taxation.

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