
The article considers the correlation between the ‘metaphysical’ and ‘phenomenological’ approaches in Plato’s “Phaedo”. Here, the ‘metaphysics’ refers to philosophical judgments that are considered as certain external principles that are not directly related to the philosopher’s ‘work of consciousness’. The ‘phenomenology’, on the other hand, refers to the specific philosophical experience of observing one’s own ways of grasping things in the immediate reality of awareness. At the beginning of the dialogue, in the so-called ‘defense of Socrates’, he first offers several premises that are accepted as axioms by his interlocutors and, secondly, he describes a philosophical purification as the ‘gathering of the soul’, which results in a confusion of ideas about the soul as either separated and existing after death or ‘being collected in itself’ in the process of philosophical, metaphorical ‘dying’. The first and the third arguments for the immortality of the soul can be considered as ‘metaphysical’, based on analogies, and the second and the forth, as ‘phenomenological’, based on the practice of contemplation of ‘eide in themselves’ by the soul ‘in itself’. It is concluded that Plato’s eide do not appear due to induction or deduction and are not a doubling of general concepts, as Aristotle believed, but are revealed as a result of some effort to realize one’s own awareness of one’s own grasping of being. This is what is outlined here as the difference between ‘metaphysics’ and ‘phenomenology’.


  • ၯႁၽၻᆈᄕ ၱ ᆇ၍ၷၻၴၴᆈ ၿၯၶၱၽၿၯႆၷၱၯၴႁႀႎ ၱ ၹၽႀၻၽၺၽၲၷႆၴႀၹၽၻ ၽၾၷႀၯၼၷၷ ႂႀႁၿၽၸႀႁၱၯ ၱႀၴၺၴၼႀၹၽၸ ၳႂႇၷᄙᇺ ၘႁၯ ၳႂႇၯ ၼၴႂၼၷႆႁၽၵၷၻၯ ᅬ ၷᄕ ၱၽၶᅟ ၱၿၯႈၯႎႀႋ ၹ ᆇ၏ၴၳၽၼႂᆈᄕ ၻႊ ၱၷၳၷၻᄕ ႆႁၽ ၼၴၽၰႄၽၳၷၻၽၴ ႀၽၾၿႎၵၴၼၷၴ ၳႂႇၷ ႀ ႌၸၳၽᅟ ႀၽၻ ၵၷၶၼၷ ၾၿၴၳၾၽၺၯၲၯၴႁ ၼၴၱၽၶၻၽၵၼၽႀႁႋ ၳၺႎ ၳႂႇၷ ႀႄၱၯႁၷႁႋ ႌၸၳၽႀ ၾၿၽႁၷၱၽᅟ ၾၽၺၽၵၼႊၸᄕ ႁၽ ၴႀႁႋ ႀၻၴၿႁၷᄘ ၽၼ ၳၯၴႁႀႎ

  • ၊ၿၽႁၽၾၽၾၽၱၯᄕ ၃ᄙျᄙ ᄬᇴᇲᇳᇸᄭ ᆇ૫ఋ஘஠த ǁƣƽƾǀƾ ஛௹ஓ஠த ၷ ᅸႂၻၷၿၯႍႈၷၴ ႃၷၺၽႀၽႃႊᅺ ၱ ဟ၄၃၍၌၄ ᄬᇷᇹᅟᇸᇶƟᄭᆈᄕ ુૅા઺શ ᄂƠƨƶƳƢᄃ ᇳᇲᄙᇳᄕ ᇳᇶᇻᅬᇳᇸᇹᄙ

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ᄙ Ʃƣ ƞƽƿƫơƶƣ ơƺƹƾƫƢƣƽƾ ƿƩƣ ơƺƽƽƣƶƞƿƫƺƹ Ɵƣƿǂƣƣƹ ƿƩƣ ᅵƸƣƿƞƻƩDŽƾƫơƞƶᅷ ƞƹƢ ᅵƻƩƣᅟ ƹƺƸƣƹƺƶƺƨƫơƞƶᅷ ƞƻƻƽƺƞơƩƣƾ ƫƹ ƶƞƿƺᅷƾ ᅸƩƞƣƢƺᅺᄙ ƣƽƣᄕ ƿƩƣ ᅵƸƣƿƞƻƩDŽƾƫơƾᅷ ƽƣƤƣƽƾ ƿƺ ƻƩƫƶƺᅟ ƾƺƻƩƫơƞƶ ưǀƢƨƸƣƹƿƾ ƿƩƞƿ ƞƽƣ ơƺƹƾƫƢƣƽƣƢ ƞƾ ơƣƽƿƞƫƹ ƣǃƿƣƽƹƞƶ ƻƽƫƹơƫƻƶƣƾ ƿƩƞƿ ƞƽƣ ƹƺƿ Ƣƫƽƣơƿᅟ ƶDŽ ƽƣƶƞƿƣƢ ƿƺ ƿƩƣ ƻƩƫƶƺƾƺƻƩƣƽᅷƾ ᅵǂƺƽƴ ƺƤ ơƺƹƾơƫƺǀƾƹƣƾƾᅷᄙ Ʃƣ ᅵƻƩƣƹƺƸƣƹƺƶƺƨDŽᅷᄕ ƺƹ ƿƩƣ ƺƿƩƣƽ ƩƞƹƢᄕ ƽƣƤƣƽƾ ƿƺ ƿƩƣ ƾƻƣơƫƤƫơ ƻƩƫƶƺƾƺƻƩƫơƞƶ ƣǃƻƣƽƫƣƹơƣ ƺƤ ƺƟƾƣƽǁƫƹƨ ƺƹƣᅷƾ ƺǂƹ ǂƞDŽƾ ƺƤ ƨƽƞƾƻƫƹƨ ƿƩƫƹƨƾ ƫƹ ƿƩƣ ƫƸƸƣƢƫƞƿƣ ƽƣƞƶƫƿDŽ ƺƤ ƞǂƞƽƣƹƣƾƾᄙ ƿ ƿƩƣ Ɵƣƨƫƹƹƫƹƨ ƺƤ ƿƩƣ Ƣƫƞᅟ ƶƺƨǀƣᄕ ƫƹ ƿƩƣ ƾƺᅟơƞƶƶƣƢ ᅵƢƣƤƣƹƾƣ ƺƤ ƺơƽƞƿƣƾᅷᄕ Ʃƣ Ƥƫƽƾƿ ƺƤƤƣƽƾ ƾƣǁƣƽƞƶ ƻƽƣƸƫƾƣƾ ƿƩƞƿ ƞƽƣ ƞơᅟ ơƣƻƿƣƢ ƞƾ ƞǃƫƺƸƾ ƟDŽ Ʃƫƾ ƫƹƿƣƽƶƺơǀƿƺƽƾ ƞƹƢᄕ ƾƣơƺƹƢƶDŽᄕ Ʃƣ ƢƣƾơƽƫƟƣƾ ƞ ƻƩƫƶƺƾƺƻƩƫơƞƶ ƻǀƽƫƤƫᅟ ơƞƿƫƺƹ ƞƾ ƿƩƣ ᅵƨƞƿƩƣƽƫƹƨ ƺƤ ƿƩƣ ƾƺǀƶᅷᄕ ǂƩƫơƩ ƽƣƾǀƶƿƾ ƫƹ ƞ ơƺƹƤǀƾƫƺƹ ƺƤ ƫƢƣƞƾ ƞƟƺǀƿ ƿƩƣ ƾƺǀƶ ƞƾ ƣƫƿƩƣƽ ƾƣƻƞƽƞƿƣƢ ƞƹƢ ƣǃƫƾƿƫƹƨ ƞƤƿƣƽ ƢƣƞƿƩ ƺƽ ᅵƟƣƫƹƨ ơƺƶƶƣơƿƣƢ ƫƹ ƫƿƾƣƶƤᅷ ƫƹ ƿƩƣ ƻƽƺơƣƾƾ ƺƤ ƻƩƫƶƺƾƺƻƩƫơƞƶᄕ ƸƣƿƞƻƩƺƽƫơƞƶ ᅵƢDŽƫƹƨᅷᄙ Ʃƣ Ƥƫƽƾƿ ƞƹƢ ƿƩƣ ƿƩƫƽƢ ƞƽƨǀƸƣƹƿƾ Ƥƺƽ ƿƩƣ ƫƸƸƺƽƿƞƶƫƿDŽ ƺƤ ƿƩƣ ƾƺǀƶ ơƞƹ Ɵƣ ơƺƹƾƫƢƣƽƣƢ ƞƾ ᅵƸƣƿƞƻƩDŽƾƫơƞƶᅷᄕ ƟƞƾƣƢ ƺƹ ƞƹƞƶƺƨƫƣƾᄕ ƞƹƢ ƿƩƣ ƾƣơƺƹƢ ƞƹƢ ƿƩƣ ƤƺƽƿƩᄕ ƞƾ ᅵƻƩƣƹƺƸƣƹƺƶƺƨƫơƞƶᅷᄕ ƟƞƾƣƢ ƺƹ ƿƩƣ ƻƽƞơƿƫơƣ ƺƤ ơƺƹƿƣƸƻƶƞƿƫƺƹ ƺƤ ᅵƣƫƢƣ ƫƹ ƿƩƣƸƾƣƶǁƣƾᅷ ƟDŽ ƿƩƣ ƾƺǀƶ ᅵƫƹ ƫƿƾƣƶƤᅷᄙ ƿ ƫƾ ơƺƹơƶǀƢƣƢ ƿƩƞƿ ƶƞƿƺᅷƾ ƣƫƢƣ Ƣƺ ƹƺƿ ƞƻƻƣƞƽ Ƣǀƣ ƿƺ ƫƹƢǀơƿƫƺƹ ƺƽ ƢƣƢǀơƿƫƺƹ ƞƹƢ ƞƽƣ ƹƺƿ ƞ ƢƺǀƟƶƫƹƨ ƺƤ ƨƣƹƣƽƞƶ ơƺƹơƣƻƿƾᄕ ƞƾ ƽƫƾƿƺƿƶƣ ƟƣƶƫƣǁƣƢᄕ Ɵǀƿ ƞƽƣ ƽƣǁƣƞƶƣƢ ƞƾ ƞ ƽƣƾǀƶƿ ƺƤ ƾƺƸƣ ƣƤƤƺƽƿ ƿƺ ƽƣƞƶƫDžƣ ƺƹƣᅷƾ ƺǂƹ ƞǂƞƽƣƹƣƾƾ ƺƤ ƺƹƣᅷƾ ƺǂƹ ƨƽƞƾƻƫƹƨ ƺƤ Ɵƣƫƹƨᄙ Ʃƫƾ ƫƾ ǂƩƞƿ ƫƾ ƺǀƿƶƫƹƣƢ Ʃƣƽƣ ƞƾ ƿƩƣ ƢƫƤƤƣƽƣƹơƣ Ɵƣƿǂƣƣƹ ᅵƸƣƿƞƻƩDŽƾƫơƾᅷ ƞƹƢ ᅵƻƩƣƹƺƸƣƹƺƶƺƨDŽᅷᄙ.

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