
With the introduction of the local police system, it is divided into national police affairs and local police affairs, raising the need to revise the previously implemented national police performance evaluation system to suit the circumstances of each region. Accordingly, the municipal police committees stipulate the evaluation of autonomous police affairs as their jurisdiction, but there are still no specific guidelines for evaluating the performance of autonomous police. Therefore, this study aims to establish guidelines for the performance evaluation of autonomous police by the municipal police committees. Accordingly, three out of six performance indicators have significantly improved the current indicators, two quantitative performance indicators have been maintained, and new traffic indicators have been developed so that the municipal police committees can actually play a role in evaluating the performance of the autonomous police. In addition, it proposes a performance evaluation system to motivate evaluators to pay attention and passion by proposing various incentives such as special pledges for excellent performance, on-site inspections of overseas autonomous police, individual commendations, group commendations, and prize money. As a result, the qualitative performance indicators proposed in this study are expected to increase local residents' trust in local police by autonomously preparing plans for local police affairs, continuously executing them regardless of personnel changes or accidents, and raising appropriate policing performance.

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