
The article considers the activities of the famous bandura player, modernist poet, student activist and doctor, doctor of medicine, and student of Berezhany gymnasium – Zinoviy Shtokalko (Berezhan). Who is he? His father’s genes to some extent determined the life path of his son Zinoviy. In my subjective opinion, I defined them as follows: Doctor. Bandurist! Writer… Artist? .. Punctuation rather shows my understanding of Zinoviy Shtokalko as of today. Attention is focused on his stay in Germany (study at the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich; public activities in the field of international student movement led by the Ukrainian student community, the Foreign Students Associations; edition of weekly issue “Students news” & its publications, poetic creativity and concert activity of a bandura player) and the USA (professional activity as a doctor; concert and artistic activity of a bandura player, preservation and popularization of bandura art; literary work). Based on original documents from the funds of Berezhany Museum of Local Lore and private collections, some aspects of the biography have been clarified (period of study at the Lviv Medical Institute, arrival in the USA, performances as a bandura player in the USA). According to the research results, the catalog “Zinoviy Shtokalko (Berezhan) and his family in the Berezhany Museum of Local Lore and in private collections” was published. It includes 358 original photos, letters, books, documents and objects. All of that covers quite a wide time range (1891–2020). “Geographical” coverage is the following: Berezhany, Brody, Kalne, Lviv, Sokal, Munich, Canada, Germany, USA… Research continues: unrecognized photos, negatives and photo albums, unread letters from the family, manuscripts of Zinoviy’s father – priest Pavel Shtokalko, and documents in the archives of various institutions are awaiting processing.

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