
The article describes the practices of lexicographical analysis of idiomatic units related to the Russian avant-garde and experience in developing principles to present such units in the deve­loped dictionary – “Idiomatics of the Russian Avant-garde: Cubo-Futurism”. The author demonstrates the relevance of lexicographical studies of literary and artistic works of representatives of the avant-garde movement. The definition of the Russian avant-garde idiomatics is formula­ted on the basis of its distinctive features identified. The article outlines that the unique nature of avant-garde idiomatics, involving the integration of verbal and non-verbal idioms, supposes creating a specific methodology for its vocabulary definition.
 Special focus is made on the elaborated approach to compile the glossary of the developed Dictionary, to create its macro- and microstructure. As a result of studies, new scientific concepts have been formulated and the need to integrate new zones into the structure of dictionary entries has been demonstrated. The author makes a conclusion on the proposed use of the developed Dictionary and notes the possibility to develop a new interdisciplinary field – “Avant-Garde Idiomatics”, based on the interrelation of Philology and Art History.

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