
The article is devoted to the question of effective communication interactions in the process of doing business. Every businessman understands the importance of well-functioning communication with both contractors and employees of the organization. The article deals with some tricks and elements of the communicative process, in particular, within the company. If the boss is able to correctly convey information to his subordinates, then the productivity and efficiency of the staff is increasing dramatically, because they work better when they know what is expected of them.To increase the efficiency of interpersonal communications it is necessary: explain your ideas before you begin to express them (to transfer to other people; be susceptible to possible semantic problems; to follow the expression of his face, gestures, pose, intonations; to express openness and readiness to understand.Information is required to make any decision, moreover, the more difficult the decision, the greater the amount of information required. In order to make managerial decisions in business, decision-making support (support) needs to be provided with information that should be properly selected, generalized, systematized and analyzed, that is, suitable for making a correct and well-founded decision in each particular situation. Timeliness of information is important for decision making. As folk wisdom says: "Time is money." Time factor plays an important role in the competition. Getting the right information quickly is an important competitive advantage.Correct communication between bosses and subordinates prompts not only productive work, but also timely solution of problems in business and within the collective. When employees are sure that they will always listen, the probability of a conflict situation is extremely low. It also follows from this that, under good conditions at work, employees will better perform their duties. Even if they make a mistake or understand that they can not work on time, they still know they can seek help from their colleagues or boss. The mood in the team gives the work a good pace and increases productivity.It is proposed to pay special attention to improving the quality of interpersonal connections of employees through the introduction of intra-corporate social networks and various activities aimed at consolidating the team.

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